21 April 2014

Jesus died...

...and then he felt better!

Happy Easter, everyone! Yes, a day late and a dollar short, but at least I have cute pictures and funny stories to make up for it, right?

This year, I was hoping Calista would be old enough to learn the basic idea of what Easter is all about. We've talked about it before, obviously, but I was hoping some of it would actually stick this time around. So, for Family Home Evening the Monday before Easter, we had a lesson on Jesus and the Resurrection. We basically used the Church's Nursery Manual lesson for it. Calista seemed to kind of get it, and we talked about it a little during the week, too. Saturday evening, I told her that it was Easter tomorrow, and then asked, "Why do we celebrate Easter?"
Calista: "Jesus!"
Me: "What did he do?"
Calista: "Jesus died."
Me: "And then what happened?"
Calista: "Jesus feel better."
So, now you know the real reason we celebrate Easter.

Of course, it's also awfully fun to have Easter baskets (full of chocolate!), hunt for eggs, and wear brand new pretty clothes to church.

Calista loved the chocolate in her basket, and had to be convinced to let it go to search for eggs. 
Once she realized there was chocolate in the eggs, too, she was more than happy to participate.

This was Craig-O's first Easter basket. We didn't really think he was quite ready for candy, so he didn't get any. He did get cute bunny ears, a little stuffed bunny, and a book.
And he loved them.

Before all of that, though, we took the obligatory Easter Sunday pictures.
The chitlins both. (Much better than the attempt at Christmas.)

Happy Craig

And of course, the ever beautiful (inside and out), Calista.
Happy Easter!

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