14 July 2021

Caleb's got a full hand!

Five years old seems so big. It's on the precipice of so many things, like kindergarten. It uses up all the fingers on one hand. 
And it's how old Caleb is now. 

His birthday was a pretty good day. It started with chocolate chex and presents. 
Caleb got a balance bike, 
a tiger stuffie, and a buildable truck toy. 
He was thrilled. 

Then we had a dance party 
and frosted Caleb's cake. 
Birthday boy gets to lick the beater, obviously.

Since it was a school/work day, most of the day itself was just for Caleb and me. I love spending time with him. We went to the park, 
And discovered the water got turned on at the spray park!
Which meant we had to go home, change, and then come back to play.

Opening presents, frosting a cake, and playing at the park is exhausting.
Good thing Caleb has his new tiger friend to keep him company!

After everyone came home, we had some pizza followed by... 
All in all, a very good little birthday!

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