Oh, my sweet baby girl, you are growing up so fast. There are so many things I am forgetting about you and your life, and you're only 2!
Touching a dinosaur at the zoo. |
You used to need to be held anytime you had the hiccups. Little spasms through your body made you upset, unless you were in our arms... then you were fine.
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2 days old |
You are so sweet every time you hear us cough or sneeze: you ask, " 'Kay, mom?" and keep repeating it until I answer, concern on your face.
When you really want our attention, you put your hand on our face and gently force us to look at you, in the eyes.
Before you go to bed, you tell us "Buh-bye, doodnight." If we don't repeat in kind, you will start to yell it and refuse to sleep until we do. Once we tell you, "Buh-bye, goodnight," you happily settle into your bed.
When your father and I are both at the grocery store, you refuse to let me push the cart. It is Daddy's job, not mine.
When you were a few months old, every single evening included you spending at least an hour, if not longer, crying inconsolably. Your daddy would hold you and basically force you to go to sleep, because we didn't know what else to do.
You are so good at going to bed and sleeping now, and some people have commented that they want their children to be like you. I agree with them... right now. But when you were six months old and sometimes were up five times a night, insisting on nursing and refusing to go back to sleep until you did. Eventually, we started having Daddy go in to calm you, and sometimes you'd go back to bed for him, sometimes you still wanted milk. You were still waking up once a night to nurse at even a year. It was hard enough that I said she didn't want to have a second child until you consistently slept all night. Thank goodness you finally did.
I remember when you were probably only a week or two old, and Aunt Loradona was holding you while she and I chatted. You managed to turn your head towards to sound of my voice. Loradona turned around a little, and you turned your head towards my voice again. A third time, as an experiment, Loradona turned, and you followed suit, facing my voice
When you were first born, you hated bathtime. You hated to be naked. You screamed and cried and we bathed you as quickly and infrequently as possible. But you got used to it, you started to enjoy it. It got to the point that your dad would go turn the water on for the bath, and you would start crawling as fast as those baby arms and legs could take you towards to bathroom. You learned to sign "bath" so you could request it, and "bath" was one of your first words. Now you love to pretend to swim, splash, and play with your toys.
Playing in the bath |
You can also request "Itsa" (The Itsy Bitsy Spider) and do its hand motions, "Star Song," (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," and "Patta-Cake."
You are not always so good at sharing. When there is another little kid at the park, you generally don't want them on the play structure at all. You pitch a mini-fit. But sometimes, you are so good at sharing, you pass crayons back and forth with other kids at the library and share your goldfish with your daddy.
Reading ALL THE BOOKS! |
You absolutely love to play with the lamp we have by the piano. You will turn it on and say, "light!" with a big grin, and then flip it off and say, "dark!" You will repeat this over and over and over again.
You don't get out of bed, even though you can. You wait for us to come get you, calling out for Mama and Daddy over and over.
You like to jump all the way down the driveway when we go to the car, saying "Bump (jump), bump, bump!" over and over.
Jumping (and falling) on the bed. |
You are really good at saying "please (pease)" and "thank you ('coo)," but sometimes you aren't quite sure what to say, so after we give you something, you just say both: " 'coo, pease." All your bases are covered.
Whenever I am making dinner that includes pasta, you beg and plead for a couple pieces of uncooked spaghetti. I've started keeping an open bag just for you in the pantry.
Let's be honest: you're not a perfect angel all the time. You have tantrums. But somehow, we've managed to have it be the expected thing that when we ask, "are you having a tantrum? Where do you go when you're having a tantrum?" you leave and go to your room!
You saw a picture of the Statue of Liberty, and raised your arm to mimic her.
You absolutely love The Avengers, which your father enjoys. You can point out Hulk (Bruce Banner), Green Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor and get so excited to see them.
People used to ask your daddy why he looked so tired... when you were 8 months old. He had to tell them that you decided to be awake for three hours in the middle of the night, but in spite of that, it was worth it.
That smile is definitely worth it. |