26 September 2022

Worry and Hope

To most people, this photo means nothing. Or, it inspires awe or jealousy. Possibly wonder about why Caleb got such a present on the first Sunday in September: it's not his birthday and it's a pretty expensive "just because" gift. Then one might notice the sticky notes, labelled 1-7, attached to the Lego set and confusion might set in. 
But for me, this photo brings hope. Caleb earned this massive, expensive Lego set at six years, 3 months old exactly, for keeping his underwear clean and every poop in the toilet for a week. 7 sticky notes, 7 days. He did it. For the first time ever, he did it.

Before school started, I asked what his plan was for Grade 1. It's all day: he can't just come home and poop in the afternoon. I was really, really worried. Caleb told me his plan was "Not to worry, Mom. Just don't worry." Which, to be honest, didn't seem like a good plan to me.
But maybe I'm the one who was wrong and he was correct.
Maybe his name on the temple prayer roll by my parents, maybe my fervent, pleading prayers every day before school started and on his first few days, maybe something happened for us to have a little miracle. Maybe I just didn't need to worry.

18 September 2022

First Day of School 2022

This is the first - and only - year that they all are at the same school with the same schedule. I have to enjoy it while I can!

Caleb, Grade 1, 4’0”
Caleb wants to be a paleontologist and wants to have shovels and pick axes. Accordingly, his favorite thing to learn about is dinosaurs! He loves them. He’s not sure what his favorite book is, but he likes to read Yertle the Turtle. He also likes to play video games and eat goldfish and crackers. Oliver and Jackson are probably his closest friends, and he’s looking forward to exercising and doing jumping jacks at school. His favorite color is yellow and he wants to have exercising time in grade 1.

Craig, Grade 4, 4’4”
Craig wants to be a geologist and study rocks, which is what a geologist does. So it makes sense that his favorite subjects at school are either science or math. His favorite book is all the Harry Potters, and he loves to play video games. His favorite school lunch is crackers and cheese, fruit bars (not the mango ones), Kit Kats, and school safe bars, and Craig’s closest friends are Mom and Calista. He is looking forward to playing on the new playground! His favorite color is blue and he wants to read at least 25 minutes every day.

Calista, Grade 6, 4’10”
Calista wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up and loves to study math at school. Her favorite book is Wings of Fire, right now the third book but if she gets more books it might change. Playing piano is a hobby she enjoys, and her favorite school lunch is a bagel and an apple. Karen and Miranda are her closest friends, but Miranda is going to be gone this year. Calista is looking forward to seeing her friends that were in the other class last year. Her favorite color is royal blue and she wants to finish the PATs and maybe get a good grade on them? They're pretty important.

As is tradition, the kiddos all had blessings the FHE before school starting. I love listening to what their Heavenly Father has to say to them.

Caleb was told to remember his family loves him and wants him to succeed. He also was blessed to be able to focus and solve problems and told that Heavenly Father loves his energy and passion for life.

Craig was told that Heavenly Father sees him and watches him and is proud of the boy he are turning into. Heavenly Father also loves his thirst for knowledge, his love love, his ability to see the good, and his laugh. Craig was blessed to see the people around him and work to be their friend, and also blessed with clarity of mind, a full heart, and that he'd able to do well in his studies and focus. Heavenly Father knows Craig sometimes feel alone, but also that inside him is a gift he can give to others. 

Calista was advised to develop a strong relationship with Heavenly Father, to practice reading scriptures and saying prayers, and to begin building habits. She was blessed with the confidence to call on Heavenly Father and to receive comfort and guidance, as well as that she'd do well in school, absorb information, and learn to solve problems. Calista was advised to discover the skills she is good at and reminded that her Heavenly Father loves her and that whether she does things well or make mistakes, she should forgive herself. 

And now all of my children are in school all day, every day. What do I do with my time? 
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