05 August 2014

Calista's Year Three Retrospective

Favorites (I asked her "Calista, what's your favorite...?"
Food: pizza dough and banana bread
Color: blue
Movie: Frozen Heart Movie
Song: Child of God. I am a child of God, and He has sent me here....
Game: Tigers game! And bunnies game. I need to play it, Mommy. Grabs iPad and tries to unlock it... when that fails, Where's my card game (Hearthstone)? I need to finish my card game...
Fruit: Grapes
Animal: I don't know... Horses!
Breakfast: eat milk and Cheerios
Book: The fish one! (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish)
Piece of clothing: Dress!
Place to go: Zoo


  • The iPad. Videos, games, taking pictures.
  • Going to church. Specifically Nursery. She loves it there.
  • Actually, going basically anywhere. Yay, zoo! Yay, library! Yay, grocery shopping!
  • Running around, either playing a chase/tag/hide-and-seek combo, or running from monsters
  • Building castles and rocket ships with duplos
  • Watching movies
  • Singing songs. Sometimes these are real songs, sometimes they are completely made up songs.

  • Bread
  • Craig... most of the time
  • Hugging the cat
  • Parks
  • Museums


  • Green bell peppers
  • Being told her iPad time is done.
  • Being scratched by the cat
  • Baby Craig touching her
  • Situations she can't control

I asked Calista what she wanted to be when she grows up. "Ummm, a Calista!" Excellent, a dream we can succeed at.

August 2013

September 2013

October 2013

November 2013

December 2013

January 2014

February 2014

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

June 2014

July 2014

What a wonderful year this has been. I am so grateful for this amazing little girl that I have been blessed with. She is my joy, pain, happiness, frustration, humor, and everything. I love her so much it hurts sometimes. Thank you for being my baby girl, Calista!
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