20 March 2010

Guess What!

That's right, guess what! No, really, I'm waiting for the guesses......

If you guessed Kyler got a job, you're right!
If you guessed I'm pregnant, you're wrong.
If you guessed we might be moving, you're right!
But there's something else I want you to guess, and since I'm self-centered, it's about me.
Want a hint or two? All right, here you go:

Hint Numero Uno:I am sitting on the kitchen floor, playing with mink oil and some old, trusting, loving Diadoras.

Any guesses as to what I'm trying to hint at? Want a second hit? Very well.

Hint number two:I went out and bought black shorts and black socks and shinguards...

So, any more guesses? Or should I just tell you?

I joined a women's soccer league! I'm going to play goalie, and I'm super excited. Games start in April. Let's hope I don't get kicked in the face or anything.



Amy said...

Congrats to Kyler and congrats on getting to play soccer! Whenever I go to a Taqueria and they have a soccer game on, I think of you and your love for international soccer... And that one really cute Italian player.

Loradona said...

Have fun! Let me know how your first game goes, okay?

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