13 March 2022

CTR belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ!

On February 5, Craig chose to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

Prior to his baptism, Craig and I went on a date to take some pre-baptism pictures in his new suit. He requested we go to Muttart Conservatory, the same place Calista went for her pictures. It was quite cold outside, 
so we were grateful for the indoor space! 
He and I had a ton of fun taking photos, 
and it cracked me up how no-nonsense he was. 
Craig just wanted to get the job done (well) and then be done. 
No time for dilly-dallying. 

The day of his actual baptism Craig had quite a bit less patience for taking pictures, but we still made him take some. 
His baptism was perhaps smaller than it otherwise would have been because of lingering Covid restrictions, but we could still have some family and friends in person and many more join us online.

Calista played the prelude and lead the music,
and she did very well. 
Craig picked Choose The Right as one of his songs without my prompting, but I was more than happy to comply, since CTR is also Craig's initials! 
He also choose "The Church of Jesus Christ" as another song. I made it the closing song, so he could proudly sing, "I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," and have it be true.

Grammie gave the talk on baptism, including giving Craig a shiny silver spoon. 
His primary teacher, Sister Lepine, gave the talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost.

At his confirmation, Craig was blessed to be able to feel the Holy Ghost's presence and promptings, using it to listen and hearken, feel comfort, gain strength, and find truth.
Craig was also told that Heavenly Father knows him and the love in his heart as well as his capacity to learn and understand. He was blessed to use his gifts to serve others make friends.

I am very proud of the choice Craig made to be baptized 
And I know I'll continue to be proud of him and the person he is becoming. 

1 comment:

Liz and Jake said...

Yay! Love his poses too! And wow impressed with Calista playing the piano.

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