24 April 2011

Cereal and adrenaline

The other night, I had a dream. I was at my parents' house, and they had gone to bed. Before I was going to go to bed, I first wanted a bowl of Cocoa Roos. Yum! So, I assembled the necessary items when Loradona comes into the kitchen. I'd thought she was already asleep, but apparently she wasn't, and she also had a bowl of Cocoa Roos. Then it was bed time, so we went about the normal things we have to do before bed in my parents' house: start the dishwasher, turn off lights, lock the doors. I go out to the garage because the light is on out there, and I see that the big garage door is open, too! Whoever drove in last was a slacker and forgot to shut it, I guess. So I push the button to shut it when I see something moving in the corner: a man! Tall, skinny, he had white/gray long-ish hair on the sides of his head, the top was bald, and he had a beard. And a really creepy smile on his face. Loudly, I say "Get out of here." He starts to move towards the big door, but it's closing. So I stop it closing and repeat, even louder, "Get out of here right now!" However, he turns towards me, creepy grin getting bigger, and begins to walk towards me...
Which is when I woke up. My heart was racing and my breathing was so fast. I think the adrenaline in my body woke up Melon, because she started moving a little, too. I got up to go to the bathroom, hoping a little time would calm myself. However, when I got back to bed and closed my eyes, the only thing I could see was his face, smiling at me and coming closer. I seriously cannot get back to sleep. Then I remember that Loradona had been in the dream earlier, eating Cocoa Roos. I decided to change my dream. In the amended version, Loradona (who had been in the front room locking the door) hears me talking to the man. At first she thinks it just a stray cat or something, but when I say it again (and probably sound a little panicked), she comes out to the garage to investigate. Creepy Man scampers when he sees the two of us, and I'm able to go back sleep.
So, Loradona, thanks for being there to scare Creepy Man away and to eat Cocoa Roos, even if it's all just in my head.

Incidentally, the day after I had this dream, we went grocery shopping, and I bought Cocoa Roos.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love that your dream was the author of creepy and all too effective advertising for you. I hate how creepy dreams stick with you for a while after you wake up. Have you ever gotten mad at someone in real life for something they did/said to you in a dream? It's kinda hard to keep emotions in dreams from seeping into reality.

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