17 January 2015

Beach Therapy

Since I've left home to go to college, I have lived in parts of the country that are landlocked. And every time I go home, I make sure to take the time to visit the beach, to be near the ocean. It does wonders for my soul, and other than my family is what I think I miss most about Oregon. So, obviously, we took a day trip out to the beach.
It was the first time Craig has ever seen the ocean, and we all loved it - especially since it was nearly 60 degrees! In Oregon! In December!
First we headed out to Cannon Beach, and upon realizing just how gorgeous it was, spent some time on the sand before heading to lunch.
Looks like Craig enjoyed his first beach experience, wouldn't you say?
Lunch was Mo's, because of course it was. I let Calista choose what to eat, and she wanted fish. I was a little hesitant to let her decide, because sometimes she's three, but she ate more than half of her fish and was very happy. Craig was pretty happy, too, until he fell off the bench and Kyler dropped his pop on him. Sorry, no pictures of that... we were too busy cleaning it up, with the help of management.
To make it up to us (though it was totally our fault and not theirs in any way), the manager gave us a couple of Frisbees, which we took out to the beach again, because it was seriously beautiful!
Frisbees and the ocean breeze are not always the easiest things to deal with, but we had fun.
I even helped Calista and Craig make mini sand castles.

And after we were done making them, I let them destroy them, too, because isn't that part of the fun?

We also spent some time at a little park just off the beach before heading to Tillamook Cheese Factory.
Driving the Loaf Love Bus
I love cheese. And ice cream.
Craig watching the cheese on conveyor belts. "I want to eat it all!" he's thinking.
Calista wanted purple ice cream, and decided on the blueberry flavor. Again I was hesitant because she's three, but she loved it and happily ate the whole thing. And Craig happily ate bites from Grammie.

What more from a beach trip could one ask for? Oh, I know... chocolate.
Calista enjoying the chocolate she picked out.
We did that, too, at Bruce's Candy Kitchen. So for about six months or so, I have my coast fix. It may not be enough, but it'll do.

Seriously, my soul. It yearns for the water and the breeze, the expanse and beauty that is the ocean.
And I am at peace.

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