28 June 2024

RCM Success

Calista has been working for several months now, preparing for her first ever Royal Conservatory of Music exam. 
When we first talked about signing her up for the exam, I told Calista I didn't want to fight or nag her. She had to be willing to practice and prepare on her own, with only gentle reminders from me, otherwise we shouldn't do it.
Well, this girl followed through. She practiced in the morning, before school. When she got home. After dinner. Before bed. 
Anytime she had a few moments to spare, she'd sit down and play a song or two.
And it paid off! Her songs and scales were ready to go! Time for the exam.
She was nervous but found it was actually kind of easy because she felt prepared. I love this girl and am so proud of her work the last few months!

And, I suppose I'll add this: we got her exam results, and she passed! In fact, she earned First Class Honours. Way to go, Calista!

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