26 June 2024

School's out!

It is finalllllllly the last day of school! We have finished Grade 7, 5, and 2.
The kiddos with their awards! The boys (coincidentally) each earned the Truth award for embodying the principle. Calista earned Honours with Distinction and the Grade 7 Music Award. So I'm bragging a little bit.

Calista wants to be a an author or a marine biologist when she grows up. She said the best part of grade 7 was lunch and her best friends are Vanessa, Karen, and Olesia.
Her favorite class was band and she doesn't really have any regrets for grade 7 because it was a good year.
Next year, she's excited for seeing her friends again in grade 8.
If she could be any animal, she'd become a cheetah and she's looking forward to seeing her cousins this summer at the beach!

Craig wants to be a chemist when he grows up so it makes sense that the best part of grade 5 was the chemistry unit in science. It wasn't perfect, however: "We had only one little lesson about the periodic table, though it makes up all of chemistry..."
Craig's best friends are Maddy, Mateus, and Steffan and his favorite subject was science! Don't tell him otherwise.
He has no regrets for grade 5 but is not excited for the PATs in grade 6.
If he could be any animal, Craig would stay a person, probably because he's looking forward to playing lots of video games and going to the Ape Caves this summer.

Caleb wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up and the best part of grade 2 was the obstacle course on fun day with the French Fries of Doom.
His best friends are Oliver and Jackson and his favorite subject was science.
Caleb also has no regrets for grade 2 and is excited for a nice teacher in grade 3 ("because I had a really nice and kind teacher this year!")
If he could become an animal, he'd be a friendly T Rex that only attacks bad guys.
Caleb is looking forward to spelunking in a cave this summer.

Bring on summer!

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