10 May 2009

All alone in a big city

While I was waiting to catch my bus to go home on Friday, a guy sat down next to me and asked if I knew how to get to a certain place. I did not, as I only know the bus routes I ride, but directed him to the sign that says which buses stop at this stop. He then tells me how this is his first time in a big city, and that it's so different than life on the reservation. I nod and politely make a little small talk. Next he tells me that he just got out from being incarcerated, and is trying to get to his sister's house. He doesn't know what to say to people and just wants to be left alone. Again, I'm polite, but wondering why he is talking to me then, and also when my bus is coming. But, lucky me, I see it down the road. I wish him good luck and step onto the bus. Interesting fellow, that one. I can't say I was sad to leave him.

Kyler and I are thinking of names for children (no, not for any particular reason, just for fun) and we're trying to think of a good Scandinavian name, since we have a nice Latin name. We want to honor both of our heritages. Sadly, Kyler's not particularly fond of Brita, he says he'd think of the water filter all the time. Anyone (Mom) have any suggestions (especially names of my ancestors)?

Good night, y'all.


Debra/Mom said...

If you name a girl Brita or Anna or Anna Brita, you would be naming her after like 90% of the women on the Nylund side.
But, since Kyler doesn't like Brita, How about Hanna or Beata or Kajsa or Maja or Margetta.
There are a few names to toss around.
P.S. The word verification was mandi, how about that?

Anonymous said...

Don't discount Grandma's names: Elisa Johanna are both good names, ja?
And I like the name Adele. Or Sophie.
Boys: How about Bjorn (okay, I'm kidding with that one). Rasmus! Rasmus Rasmussen! How awesome would that be? Ole. Nils. Isak. Ethelred!

Don't listen to me too much, though. I'm the one who came up with the names Spot, Stripe, and Dolly.

Jill May said...

Haha how about Olga or Helga or Brunhilda!! Just kidding... half. What about Marta? I always liked that name - unless it reminds you of Atlanta public transportation.

Debra/Mom said...

How about Zanzibar Buck Buck McFate?

Jeanette said...

Maybe I forgot to mention, this is for a girl: Zanzibar is totally a guy's name. And apparently Brita is growing on Kyler, so we'll see. Maybe we'll have a Brita Elisa Johanna Sophia Rasmussen. You never know.

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