15 March 2011

Roll Call!

So, it's official. The following schools have offered Kyler a spot in their programs this fall:
Once Kyler and I have decided for sure where we are going to move in August (with an approximately one-month-old baby, are we insane?), we will let everyone know.


Loradona said...

Your blog is just full of announcements, isn't it! Have fun with decision making!

Amy said...

Good luck! I know how crazy the whole apps process and deciding is. At least your baby is due before. I had a friend who was going to be in her third trimester when her and the hubs were supposed to move from TN to Alaska and couldn't really drive that far so she had to fly up alone at the end of her second semester when she could still fly and live alone for two months until her husband was done with school and could move up there, too.

julie said...

I vote for Victoria!!

Butchart Gardens! (sp?)

Close to Seattle! ;)

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