30 August 2022

Oregon Birth-Month

Calista's birthday was honestly more like a birth-month. It started when we arrived at my parents' place in Portland. My mom asked if Calista wanted her birthday present now, or later. 
Of course Calista picked now. Inside the bag, she discovered a brand new quilt, made by Grammie!
As you can see, Calista loves it. Somewhere in the quilting is stitched a little ducky. 
Calista took a while, and a hint from myself, 
but she eventually found it.

Calista also got to join the women for a pedicure before our beach trip, and she loved it. 
She was a little bummed that she went before her actual birthday, though: at 11, she could have had the full pedicure, rather than just the kids' one. 

While visiting with Loradona, Calista got to celebrate her birthday more. 
Loradona took Calista and I to have tea at the Painted Lady Tea House. They have a little closet of dresses you can try on and fancy hats everywhere. 
Calista had a blast dressing up, and Loradona and I donned fancy hats for the occasion.
And goofy faces.
We all felt rather fancy, 
and made sure to drink our tea with our pinkies out.
Plus, the food was fabulous.

On the day of her actual birthday, she got to open more presents
And promptly started reading some of them.
As one does with new books.

For lunch, we went to Red Robin, per the birthday girl's request. While she was in the bathroom, the server asked if they should sing to her. Both Mom and I said yes.
Calista smiled, embarrassed, but enjoyed the sundae they brought!

We then went bowling. Calista hasn't, in her memory, done 10 pin bowling. 
There was a bit of an adjustment to the larger ball and different skills required, but once she got the hang out it, Calista didn't do too bad! She even got a couple of spares! After a game and a half, she got tired so Grammie took over her spot.
Grammie didn't do too bad, either! I was the overall winner, with a few strikes and spares. Bumpers are good for us all. Hahaha.

And, after dinner of butter chicken and naan, it was time for cake.
Since it was so hot, we suggested to Calista a cake that didn't require baking, and she was happy to oblige.
Happy birthday, dear Calista!
Dig in!

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