13 July 2008

With a "chirp, chirp" here and a "chirp, chirp" there...

I have the meanest husband ever... and he's a chick killer.
Yesterday evening, Kyler and I went for a walk. We waited until the sun was going down so it'd be cooler (down to under 90, yeah!). While we were walking down University Parkway, we suddenly heard anxious chirping. In the bike lane on the side of the road was a tiny little quail chick! It was adorable and all by itself and it just would not shut up. Every time it tried to walk too fast, it'd start to tip a bit and almost tip over. It was adorable! (Kind of like the bottom chick in this picture, www.gamebird.com/JodiWithCoturnixChicks.jpg)
I was worried about it being alone, so I made efforts to scoop it up onto the sidewalk, herding it from the road side so I could scare it away from that particular danger. Once it was on the sidewalk, we had to decide what to do. I said we could take it home because it was all alone and take care of it, but Kyler said no. So... I scooped it up again and put it in the bushes by the street.
Poor chick, it was still chirping like mad, and it'll probably die, but since Kyler wouldn't let me take it home, he basically killed it. I could've gotten some fluff stuff from the mouse house and fed the cute chick and... but Kyler said we couldn't have pets. Bah.


Wodin said...

Kyler is definitely a meanie. Kick him in the shins for me, 'kay?
(ps--just kidding)
(pps--the word verification is "oqluzats," which is what you should have named the chick. It's a very catchy name. Maybe it should be the name of your firstborn.)

Debra/Mom said...

I like to think that the chick went off to find his/her mommy. Which is why it went off into the bushes.

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