26 October 2011

Happy Baby+Good Sleeper=Happy Mommy

The baby girl is three months old today! She is growing up so fast - basically none of the 0-3 month clothes fit anymore, time to store them for the next one! 
Calista still loves sucking on her hand and pacifier, and will also grab your finger or a washcloth and bring it to her mouth to suck on if given a chance. She also is still (mostly) enjoying tummy time, though she does get frustrated after a while because she can't see the world, I think. She lasts on her tummy long enough to turn around in a full 360, and she always turns counter-clockwise. I wonder what that means?
She is starting to really sleep for 6 or more hours at a stretch at night (except for last night, but let's not talk about that), which I definitely don't mind. We are still working on getting her to take naps, but if I had to choose, I'd rather have Calista sleep at night than during the day.

Pictures from the last month that haven't been included anywhere else...
She fell asleep on my lap. Isn't it the sweetest picture?

Trying to get a good picture of the "I (heart) Africa" shirt my boss bought her... in Africa.

It's daddy-daughter nap time after General Conference! 

Yeah, this sleeper doesn't fit anymore. It's been washed and folded and packed in a bin.

In the swing at the park! She's actually a little bit grumpy and fell asleep on the way home. Like I said, I don't quite have her on a nap schedule.

Leaning over in the bumbo! She still loves to sit in it (well, until she gets grumpy), so I do the dishes or eat dinner with her just chilling in the bumbo. Yay!

I've decided this outfit is going to go in the storage bin, too. The dress especially is so much shorter than it was when she first put it on!

I tried to get a picture of her staring and kicking at the toys, but when I came over, she looked up at me instead. Apparently I'm more interesting that toys that make noises when they move.

Standing up! She'll be walking in no time! Or, ha, not.

Three months old today!

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