17 October 2011

Not completely crazy

I have had a couple of interesting dreams lately.

Last night, the dream consisted of me trying to catch a flight... somewhere... and I was running late, and then I found out that my flight had left early, and the incredibly old man at security wouldn't let me through and there was no one to talk to about getting another flight... I was grumpy and stressed, and when I woke up I felt that way for a second, until I realized it wasn't real.

A few days ago, I had a dream that Calista started talking. Not crazy, completely unrealistic talking, though. In my dream, her first word was "hi," followed by "yay," "yeah," and "no." All easy, one syllable words. Maybe it's not a dream, but a premonition... since she still is quite a bit too young to talk. Coo, yes. Squeak, sure. Real words? Not on your life.
The baby girl is not talking yet.

1 comment:

Debra/Mom said...

She may not be talking, but she is so freaking cute, it is not funny. I love that little cutey pie.

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