22 October 2008

Fight against the Man!

I've been having strange dreams lately (for the last couple of weeks), and wrote one down that was particularly vivid. We were in Oregon, and Cliff went and checked the mail. When he came back in, he was all worried and said, "Jeanette, you've got to go," because THEY were coming for me or something (who's THEY? I don't know). So, I left. I made a run for it, and I made my way to this random house where all these college-aged people allowed me to stay there. One of them I knew because he used to be one of my tissues students (in real life) and was also apparently in my dissection class (not in real life). I called home and told Mom I was safe, though I couldn't tell her where I was--THEY might come after her! The people in the house asked why I was on the run, if I'd gotten drafted or something, because that was something they protested. I said no, I wouldn't dodge the draft, my brother was in the military, I wasn't afraid of it. They were kind of offended, but asked if I was running from scientists instead, and if I wanted to protest using cadavers. I told them no, I loved cadavers, and they got mad at me. I went to the bathroom and cried because they were mad at me, and a guy came in and starting shooting safety pins at me. He got mad at me when I blocked them from hitting my face, and then Daniel, the guy in my tissues class, came in and defended me. I think I may have decided to leave--these people were very anti-cadaver/dissection--and I think Daniel came with me, on the run, because the people in the house didn't want a cadaver-supporter there, but that's all I remember.
I wonder how these dream people would've felt about research with mice?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never fear! I am here to offer my interpretation.

At a conservative university, you feel persecuted for your ideas. There are some people who would defend you, but they are few. And...

That's all I got. Sorry. I'll try better next time. Just know that I started totally laughing like crazy while reading this. I heart you.

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